
Directly reducing or removing carbon emissions from a company’s supply chain or operations.

In 2018, only 0.2 percent of the US$269 million (€251 million) in voluntary carbon offset investments went to transportation, while most funds went to offsetting projects for forestry and renewable energy. 

Although carbon offsetting projects are beneficial, they do not reduce greenhouse gases emitted by the transport sector itself. Carbon insetting is the way forward to directly reduce carbon footprint and contribute to the fight against climate change.  

Rather than offsetting emissions through external projects, carbon insetting reduces emissions directly within a company's operations or supply chain. This includes many types of projects suitable for the logistics sector, such as sustainable fuels, fleet renewal programs, engine retrofits, and efficiency projects. 

Companies can also work with suppliers and stakeholders to target areas of their operations or supply chains where emissions can be reduced most effectively. This includes energy efficiency improvements, renewable energy production, waste reduction, and sustainable sourcing practices. 

Upon committing to insetting practices, companies hold themselves accountable by tracking and reporting on their emissions reduction efforts. Third-party verification is performed to ensure transparency and accuracy as they achieve their emissions reduction goals. 

While it may require significant effort and investment, insetting can provide multiple benefits beyond carbon reduction such as public health and safety. More importantly, it helps companies become more sustainable and resilient in the face of a changing climate. 

For instance, DHL’s GoGreen Plus solution allows customers to reduce the carbon emissions associated with their shipments by up to 80 percent by replacing conventional jet fuel with Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), which is produced from waste oils.  

Insetting through GoGreen Plus also allows customers to bring down their Scope 3 emissions, the indirect greenhouse gas emissions that occur in a company's value chain, which includes downstream transportation and distribution. 

The GoGreen Plus service is part of Deutsche Post DHL Group's interim target of using 30 percent SAF for all air transport by 2030.

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