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Volatile rates and surging capacity ahead
After brief disruptions at major U.S. ports, volatility is expected to continue with excess capacity, blank sailings and post-election rush.
DHL Ocean Freight Market Update – November 2024
Find out the latest developments of the global ocean freight market in this monthly analysis by DHL Global Forwarding.
Luxury redefined: How white glove service elevates the branded goods experience
The perfect fit for luxury brands to elevate their customers' experience.
Everything You Need to Know About Nearshoring
In the wake of a world grappling with rising labor costs and geopolitical tensions, nearshoring has become an increasingly popular supply chain strategy.
Overcoming roadblocks through omnisourcing strategies in Southeast Asia
Amid shifting global landscapes, road freight is clearing a path for Southeast Asia to emerge as prime ground for a Plus One strategy.
Navigating the road freight opportunities in Southeast Asia
Road freight remains a viable door-to-door solution in multimodal logistics for a land-connected region such as Southeast Asia.
The 5 key trends shaping online shopping
New DHL research uncovers what makes today’s online shoppers click ‘buy now’ – and how e-retailers can stay ahead in a changing market.
Global trade unboxed: The innovation behind multimodal container logistics
Containerization has revolutionized, but recent shortages and emerging innovations are reshaping the future of multimodal logistics.
Extended U.S. port strike chaos averted
The closure of U.S. East and Gulf Coast ports lasted just a few days, but knock-on effects on service reliability are expected.
DHL Ocean Freight Market Update – October 2024
With the U.S. East Coast strikes called off, vessels are starting to resume their rotation schedules.
Essential tips to steer through the peak shipping season
Peak season stress? Don't sweat it with this guide that helps businesses stay cool, calm, and collected amidst the shipping chaos.
Malaysia’s nearshoring edge: A gateway to Southeast Asia
From electronics to aerospace, Malaysia's growth potential is unmatched, offering strategic benefits across multiple industries.
Nearshoring strategies: Crafting government plays for domestic manufacturing
The nuanced interplay of economic policies, trade agreements, and regulatory reforms is driving supply chains to nearby shores.